Because of you

“I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philipians 1:3

Because of you, and with God’s grace, in 2019 Three Rivers Outreach was able to improve the school, expand a ministry, and change some lives.

Because of YOU…

  • we are educating 385 students at JD Kimber School.
  • 16 high school students, 2 elementary students, 1 nursing school student, and 2 college students are being sponsored.
  • the students at JD Kimber School have a clean, spacious dining hall to eat lunch in every day.
  • 3 teachers and a registrar were hired at the beginning of this school year.
  • we have started a literacy program.
  • 6 former homeless young men are attending vocational school.
  • Fishers of Men hosted a large outreach and several young homeless men and women made a decision to change their lives.

And because of you, in 2020 we will be able to:

  • Build a new fence to secure the JD Kimber School property.
  • Replace the old, hazardous wiring throughout the campus.
  • Install a solar system at the school.
  • Host more outreach events throughout Liberia.
  • Continue to expand the Fishers Of Men Ministry.
  • Continue to provide scholarships for our high school students.

We thank God for each one of you, and for all of your prayers, support, and encouragement. We could not do this work without Him or without you.
