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Fishers of Men

Drug addiction is an enormous problem in Liberia. The government offers little to no assistance, therapy or treatment. This leads to homelessness and being abandoned by your family, and to a large community of “street people”.

Approximately fifteen (15) years ago, St. Andrew’s Church (SC) partnered with The Great Commission in Liberia, in particular with Anastas and Linda Johnson, to lead a revival in the Red Light District – one of the larger street-people areas in the outskirts of Monrovia.

A group of young men from the Red Light area accepted Christ as their Savior because of that outreach. Those young men have now created their own group, called Fishers of Men, and they now go out into the streets and evangelize, offering salvation through encountering Christ, and offering refuge and a way out of a desperate situation. Many have been reunited with their families.

Three Rivers Outreach now partners with Fishers of Men and have joined in many outreach efforts. Please consider joining us with support. Please pray for the Fishers of Men.